This week has sort of been like that for me (heck, this MONTH has been like that!). Phil's out of town on business, and though I'm incredibly blessed to have family close by, not to mention the most thoughtful, caring neighbours in the history of the known universe, it's always a wee bit totally exhausting.
And yet... there have been some gems as well. That's what I try to focus on when the kids are in bed and I can once again form a coherent thought, anyway.
For instance, I attended the first of what will most likely be a long series of school plays last night! Émilie's entire grade put on a really impressive show, about a group of kids who find a magic passport that lets them visit the 7 wonders of the world. Each class represented a different wonder, and Émilie's class was Petra.
Yup! It was a great moment, one that as a Mom you just know is going to be embedded in your memory forever. I was pretty psyched, let me tell you. Her group came on the stage, and I... um... didn't recognize her. *Sigh* In my defense, we were seated very far away and ALL the kids in her group were wearing the same costume, but still... it made for a wee bit of an anticlimactic moment, you know?
At least I managed to spot her in the grand finale!!!

And yes, there's also been the odd bit o' knitting here and there as well.

Happy Knitting Everyone!