The kids and I are back from our little trip. I think I'm still suffering from the after-effects of 2 days of solo-parenting and screwed up sleeping arrangements, to say nothing of the heat wave we've been enduring lately (kinda wish I'd been more specific when I wished for "heat" back in June...), so much so that the prospect of writing a blog post has me all frazzled this morning. All I know is that I need to write *something*, because if I don't you'll leave and never visit this corner of blogland again, ever. And that would be sad. For me.
Yeah, I think I need another coffee.
Here we go!
1. The beach.
While at my Dad's we went to the beach. Sort of. I mean, I suppose it's technically a beach, because there was water and sand... But it was on a lake, and it was really windy, and there was lots of seaweed (lakeweed?) along the shore. There was a kid there whose only job was to shovel the seaweed (lakeweed?) into a wheelbarrow and dump it.... somewhere. Probably back in the water.

The kids were mildly grossed out by the seaweed (lakeweed?), Émilie more so than Maxime, I think. I put on a brave face and went out into the water with them. I may or may not have adorned myself with seaweed (lakeweed?) and pretended to be a creature from the black lagoon. Good times.
2. The garden
Phil took excellent care of the garden while I was away. Still no vegetables yet, but there are blooms and buds like crazy, so it's only a matter of time now. Remind me how anxious I was for the vegetables to arrive when I'm up to my eyeballs in zucchini and tomatoes, OK?

Yes, I know this is a Hosta plant. Innit pretty?
3. Catching up.
I'm falling behind on my QALs (that'd be the same thing as a KAL, only for quilts). Yesterday afternoon the awesome in-laws took the kids off my hands for a few hours, and I was able to get a little sewing done. Lori didn't mind, as long as she could participate.

4. Knitting
I think my
stash post has some of y'all worried that I've lost my knitting mojo. Rest assured, I haven't. I've been knitting, I promise. My knitting just isn't really blogable, that's all. I mean... I've got a second sleeve. It looks exactly like the first sleeve. Ooooh, Aaaaah... exciting.
I find I'm looking forward to my
next project though, so that's something, right?
Have a great weekend, Everyone!