Well, I am over-the-top ecstatic to report that, after 3 concerts in 3 days, choir craziness is officially behind me for two glorious months, and thank GOD and Sunny Jesus for that. Not a moment too soon, as what started out as a slight cough a few days ago has turned into full-blown laryngitis, and I sound like I should be living in a swamp and have green goo dripping from my skin.
I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose. Whenever I get sick, the voice is always the first thing to go. But when I started coughing on Saturday night, I didn't really pay it any mind. Then when I got up yesterday morning, my voice was just... gone. No, not gone. It had dropped a couple of octaves, and I was convinced I wouldn't be able to sing at all, never mind perform my solo. But after warming up, I was able to pull it off. I really gave it all I had left though, because today? I think all I could manage would be some Leonard Cohen, and even that would be pushing it, heh.
I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose. Whenever I get sick, the voice is always the first thing to go. But when I started coughing on Saturday night, I didn't really pay it any mind. Then when I got up yesterday morning, my voice was just... gone. No, not gone. It had dropped a couple of octaves, and I was convinced I wouldn't be able to sing at all, never mind perform my solo. But after warming up, I was able to pull it off. I really gave it all I had left though, because today? I think all I could manage would be some Leonard Cohen, and even that would be pushing it, heh.
So there are a few things to get caught up on, not the least of which is that it was my birthday this weekend! Yup, I turned 33 this past Saturday, wheeeee!!! It was a lovely day, I got to go out for a run in the rain, did some shopping (for Maxime's big boy bedroom set), had yummy birthday cupcakes, spent time with family. All things that are of the good. And of course, I was spoiled by friends and family alike. Here are some of the highlights:

A lovely necklace and earring combo from Phil, Émilie and Maxime.

A skein of Sea Silk from Kate-the-Enabler (Mmmmmmmmmmm, Seeeeaaaaa Siiiiiiilk)
I also got a gift certificate to Mouliné from my cousin Jessica, and the Whimsical Little Knits booklet from Robyn.
My grandmother also sent me some money, under the express condition that I spend it on myself. No spending it on the kids or household expenses (she knows me so well), something for me only. And honestly? I don't know what to do! Yarn? (Can you say Tanis???) Clothes? Shoes? Mani pedi? Spa day? Too many options...
Oh not to worry. I'm sure I'll think of something.
Happy Knitting Everyone!