After I got home and by some miracle actually managed to get Maxime down for his nap (if he sleeps even 10 minutes in the car, it's usually impossible to get him back down), the postman delivered the January Sock Kit for the Rockin Sock Club (you need to sign for it). About 2 minutes later the doorbell rings AGAIN, and this time it's with my Loopy Ewe order (with gift certificate money from Christmas) and my used copy of the Yarn Harlot's Meditations for Women who Knit too Much. Is there anything better than that? Just LOOK at this loot (WARNING - Sock Club Spoilage in Picture).

In other news, it seems that the hectic pace I've been keeping up lately (it doesn't FEEL hectic, despite what my mother keeps telling me) is finally catching up with me. I think I'm coming down with the flu or something, I'm sore and cold and hot and my throat hurts and I just feel yucky all over. By the time Émilie was tucked in bed last night, I could barely stand (and no, I'm not exaggerating). So I was in bed at 7:45 last night. Maxime woke up about 4 times coughing, but went back to sleep on his own without requiring any intervention on my part.
Finally, Erin (fellow Socks for Seeley (on Ravelry) organizer and Boreanaz fan extraordinaire) left a comment on my last post, saying she'd tapped me for a meme. Techno-Dork that I am, I had no idea what the heck a meme even was, but after a bit of savvy Googling, I figured it out. So here's my MEME. Here are the rules, (they must be posted to your blog).
Link to the person’s blog who tagged you : Erin.
List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog and also so they can look at your blog and not tag the same people all over again!
My 7 Random Things:
1) I'm double-jointed. I can bend things in ways you can't even imagine. Dudes.
2) I met my husband on a cruise in the Caribbean, even though we actually lived less than 10 minutes away from each other. Go figure.
3) I worked at a McDonald's restaurant for 3 years as a teenager.
4) I used to smoke (quit 7 years ago this January).
5) I have a nervous tick. I'm constantly either drumming my fingers in my hands or rubbing my fingernails with my thumbs. It's a whole thing.
6) I enjoy doing laundry (no, really!).
7) When I pluck my eyebrows, it makes me sneeze about, oh, 57 times in a row.
OK, the couch beckons!