Apologies (again) for not posting on Monday. Maxime is having sleep issues lately (short naps, waking up at night), so I don't have as much time as I'd like at the computer. I'm really behind on my blog reading as well, now that he's crawling. It's a little harder to ignore him when he's trying to climb up my leg (kidding!!! I never ignored him. For long.) Basically what I'm saying is that I have no idea how long I'll have at the computer, so I'll just jump in with whatever happens to be on my mind, m'kay?
Uuuuuuuuuuuuummmm... Drawing a complete blank (of course!). Let's see, since Friday I did.... what?
Scratch that! Let's start with a picture of my current project: Maxime's
Trellis cardigan.

Cute, huh? (As you can see, I'm quite fond of the little sheep. I'm thinking of calling him Russell, as in this
Russell). I'm knitting this with some Mission Falls 1824 Superwash I scored on sale from
Ram Wools a while back. It's a pretty quick knit (especially without a cable needle), and except for a whee booboo in the Seed stitch panel in the center (near the top), I'm really happy with it. I've got the back and both sleeves knit up so far, and I'm working on the left front now. If I get even a modicum of knitting time this week, I may be finished with the knitting of this project by week's end. That doesn't mean the cardigan will be completed, of course, because as you may or may not know, I HATE ( as in loathe, detest, despise) seaming. So there's no telling when the actual garment will be ready.
Oh yeah!
Jennifer is having a Se7en Deadly Sins of Knitting contest over on her blog, and I really want that 30$, so here are mine:
Pride: Gotta go with Emilie's
Wildflower Sweater on that one. I worked hard on it, she wore it (and loved it), and I got many comments on it at Rhinebeck. 'Nough said.
Envy: I guess I'd say that right now, I'm envious of anyone going to the
Toronto Knitters' Frolic. I had to miss it last year (I had a singing gig, and oh yeah, I was 8 and a half months pregnant), and I really wanted to go this year (I mean,
reaaaallllllly), but Japan has eaten up all my savings, so I won't go after all. I know, boo-hoo, woe is me.
Gluttony: I'd have to go with knitting books there. I'm a librarian, so naturally I love books. Now, when you combine knitting AND books, I'm pretty much helpless. But I don't really read them or use them that much. I just put them in my bookcase (organized by content, then alphabetically by title, of course!). BUT I MUST BUY MORE!!! :)
Lust: I'm having a tough time figuring out the difference between lust and greed as it relates to knitting. You know, because, like any perfectly normal knitter, I have an inordinate craving for pretty much everything knit related. Let's see... (taking a moment to ponder and sip tea) I guess I'd have to follow Jenn's lead and say the
Josephine Top. I saw it, was immediately smitten, paid a fortune for the yarn, cast on as soon as I got it, and pretty much haven't touched it since. I guess there's a lesson to be learned there (lust can never truly be satisfied, yadayadayada, whatever, moving on).
Anger: See the
acrylic purchase in the previous
post. Grumble, grumble.... OK, maybe not ANGER anger, but I'm still pretty darn ticked.
Greed: What can't I get enough of? What am I powerless to resist? Probably sock yarn. For instance, yesterday the stitchless Mommies who Knit met up at
Robyn's house for some delicious apple cake and ice cream (no knitting of course!), and I picked up some Soak that Robyn had been saving for me for a while. Now, as you may or may not know, Robyn has an online yarn
shop, and took us on a tour of her yarn room. I was prepared (you know, as well as a junkie can be prepared when someone says "And here's my supply of heroin, feel free to take a look"), I was going to resist. Then she gets a shipment of ShiBui Sock in the mail, and I'm powerless. So much for my steadfast resolve! I bought 2 skeins in a wild, bright variegate (I'm blaming my choking on the endless winter and my insane desire for colour of any kind).
Sloth: I've got a few languishing projects in the bottom of my knitting bag (Josephine, the
Good Old Cable Scarf,
Argosy). Take your pick. Some may call it sloth, I call it going with the flow, baby.
Wow, so far so good, Maxime is still asleep! I'll end today's post with an unfortunately blurry picture of Émilie, Maxime and Kate-the-Enabler's son Aidan, taken this Sunday during a playdate. The kids decided to play dressup, and Émilie grabbed the only gender neutral costume we have, so Aidan wound up wearing the pink Kimono we brought back from Japan. But he wore it in a really masculine way! ;)