My stomach did not calm down. I'll spare you the deets, but suffice it to say that Saturday night was NOT spent with Phil and I worshiping each other, but rather with each of us taking turns bowing in front of the porcelain altar. Ugh.
Luckily (or not, depending on one's perspective), I was "less sick" than Phil. I only threw up once to his 5 times (What is with men? Why are they so competitive?), so I got to take care of every
body and every
thing on Sunday. To his credit (he really WAS sick) Phil did take care of Émilie during Maxime's nap time, so I was able to get a nice nap myself, and then later on that afternoon, he watched both kids watch a movie while I frantically tried to pull 5 meals out of my *cough* hat in under an hour.
Why so many meals? Why, because Phil's off on another business trip this week, of course! I tell you, it's like they KNOW when he's going to be away. Bing! Daddy's leaving, time to get sick! *Sigh* Oh well, no sense harping on it (it may be too late now).
Today I went to the office in the morning, then after going to the gym I left work early to head back to Laval, voted (we're having our Provincial general elections here today), and picked up the kids for Maxime's 18-month vaccinations. The whole way, I kept reassuring Émilie that No, she was
not going to get a vaccination today. Then when I get there, the nurse offers to do both kids' flu-shots, right then and there. Um.... Sorry Émilie! Looks like Mommy's a big fat liar! Remember this forever!
OK, on to knitting. First and foremost, I finished the first yellow sock!

Very happy with it, it's looking great, my grandmother is going to love it. I cast on the second sock last night while watching
Nature, but I've decided to suck it up and only work on the second Thrum Sock until it's finished, so I can officially have a gift "pile" rather than just "a gift". I figured out what my problem with the thrum socks is, by the way. It's the thrumming! I just want to knit, you know? Having to stop every 5 rows and work a thrum into every 4th stitch gets awfully tedious after a while.
Also, keeping with my promise to rub more yarn on this blog, here's a shot of the last
Rockin' Sock Club shipment of 2008. I don't think I'm spoiling anybody at this point (I mean, the
Harlot already knit her pair, for Pete's sake), but still. Avert your eyes if your postman is
Christy Brown (oooooh, bad joke, sorry).

Leave it to
Blue Moon to send a really great yarn with the final package, just when I'm debating whether or not to renew my membership for 2009! I really like the colours, it's in their mediumweight yarn, which I love, and the pattern is by the lovely and talented
Ann Hanson, who I happen to know personally (HA! If she's reading, I hope she gets a kick out of that!).
Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to renew next year. First, I've only knit 2 of this year's 6 shipments. Second (and this might seem like a "duh" moment to most of you), it's kind of bugging me that every shipment is
Socks that Rock yarn! I'd like to be in a club with different yarns and designers for each shipment (yes
Robyn, I know that's exactly what you do in your club). Plus (and this is the clencher), as
Sinéad pointed out to me this weekend after looking through my stash on
Ravelry, I've got A LOT of sock yarn already, and reaaaaallly nice yarn to boot. Maybe I should give this whole "sock club" thing a rest?
I still like the idea of a club, though. Getting yarn in the mail out of the blue like that, even if you're the one who paid for it, I don't know... It feels like a present, like it's Christmas all year. I was thinking of joining a lace club, something like
Embrace the Lace club, but dudes! It's 455$. I'm sure it's totally worth it, they've got a great lineup of yarns and designers, but still... 455$!!!!!! Aaaaack! Too rich for my blood. Anybody have any other suggestions? My mom keeps bugging me to send her my wish list...
Happy Knitting Everyone!