Sadly, the year still had some surprises for us. Émilie's surgery - which had been scheduled for 8 AM this morning - was postponed at the last possible minute, due to a lack of space for her in the Intensive Care Unit. Apparently they're overrun with flu/pneumonia cases etc., and they had an emergency cardiology case as well that took precedence over Émilie, even though her case is considered a semi-urgent priority at this point.
The surgery is now scheduled for Thursday morning. We're home again, and we've had a good day. But of course, now we get to start all over tomorrow night, the stress of getting her settled, yet more blood tests (you know, in case she changes types in 2 days...), the restless night at her side, the fear and doubt on the morning of the surgery... And the frustrating thing is that the doctors still can't guarantee that she'll be operated on Thursday.
Despite it all, Émilie's spirits are still fairly high. She's worried about the surgery, but not in the way an adult would be, which is a blessing. She isn't concerned about the outcome of the surgery, isn't aware of the risks... All she's worried about is whether it'll hurt, whether she'll be able to hear once the operation is over, and what she'll look like without any hair afterward.
As far as her father and I are concerned, she'll still be the most beautiful little girl we know.
Happy Knitting, Everyone.
That is so frustrating. It's good that she is in good spirits. How long do doctors think she'll be in the hospital after for before she'll get to come home? Do they say also how long recovery time at home will be after?
Hope you're doing okay as well. My thoughts are with you guys & Emilie. Praying that things don't get postponed again on Thurs.
If you're home tomorrow, one of Canada Post's Elves might just be ringing the bell for Emilie :)
Good luck for Thursday. Hope it all goes perfectly this time.
Pity about the hair! At least she's got one or two wool hats, though ;)
Love and prayers - T
My heart is with you and your family!!! The best of luck for the surgery. Your daughter is so beautiful and it's not more or less hair that will change that!
Catherine from Bury, QC
Je viens de découvrir votre blog en parcourant quelques sites de tricot, une nouvelle passion pour moi, et j'ai lu vos derniers posts. L'ironie, c'est que j'ai travaillé un moment comme infirmière pour les soins intensifs à Ste-Justine (j'ai reconnu les rideaux...). Vous êtes entre bonnes mains!!! Je vous souhaite le meilleur pour jeudi, surtout une journée sereine pour vous...
Emilie is a beautiful girl now & she will be a beautiful girl after her surgery. I hope everything works out so she can have her surgery on Thur so you all can move forward.
Good luck! Emilie is a miracle!
Sorry to hear about the delay, I'm sure it's very frustrating. She's such a trooper though, I admire her and you immensely. I'll be thinking of you all again tomorrow.
It's so hard when they cancel because it takes so much energy to get all psyched up again. I hope everything goes well on Thursday and that Émilie is feeling better quickly.
My thoughts are with you,
Oui la patience est ici mise à l'épreuve, et je peux comprendre ton état d'esprit. Quoi qu'il en soit, je prie pour Émilie, pour toi et pour que Dieu veille demain matin pour que tout se passe bien. Donne des nouvelles.
Ugh! I'm sorry you couldn't get the surgery out of the way today. Keeping you in my thoughts!
You are so courageous and so is your daughter... My thoughts will be with you on Thursday too...
Good luck for Thursday! My prayers will be with you! Oh and of course she will still be the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
The waiting is the worst. I can't believe the surgery has to be put off to another day. Here's to hoping that it goes through tomorrow and that everything goes well.
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