Okay, truth be told, this weekend wasn't really THAT bad. I'm just exhausted from Émilie waltzing into our room and turning on the light at 6:09 AM this morning. In her defense, we have to get up at 6 during the week, but she has yet to grasp the concept of "sleeping in". When you think of it, Phil and I are really the ones who need to keep up with the learning curve though, because we keep falling into the trap of going to bed at 11 o'clock on Friday and Saturday nights (you know, 'cause it's the weekend! we can sleep in! NOT!). Sharp as a butter knife, people.
So, first things first. Saturday evening we were invited to the hippest, happenin'-est party of our neighborhood, Kate-the-Enabler's son Liam's first birthday party.

Now, Phil and I took a bunch of pictures of the party, but one of the adults always managed to be in a most unflattering position in every. single. picture (you know, eyes closed, finger up nose, bent over flashing droopy cleavage, that kind of thing), so this is all you get. *Speaking of droopy cleavage, Chris, if you EVER post that picture you took of me, be prepared to endure my wrath*.

I was hoping that decorating would put me into the Holiday spirit, but I'm just not feeling it. Perhaps after a good night's sleep, I'll feel differently. We'll see.
This afternoon Émilie and I went over to Alison's to drop off some recipe books I'd been holding hostage for a few months, and to meat her new fur baby Newman. Émilie was enchanted to meet a kitty, and of course had a major fit when it was time to leave, crying that the cat would "miss her terribly" and "why can't I get a cat???" (I'm allergic). I think she had finally stopped crying for all of 2 minutes when we got home, and of course, what should Phil ask her when we walked through the door? "Did you see a CAT???" (I think it's a safe bet that "The Look" was used again).
And here we are, another weekend over and done with. Hallelujah! I've got a busy week ahead of me, with choir practice on Monday and 2 concerts this week (including the Oratoire St-Joseph on Saturday!). But I'll do my best to blog. I do it all for you, people! (actually that's a lie, I'm just a comment junkie).
Happy Knitting Everyone!