I'm skipping my workout today because I really wanted to get a post out today, and I know for a fact that Phil will frown upon my blogging tonight when there are travel preparations to be made. We leave for Florida in the wee small hours of the morning tomorrow (or is it tonight?), and I've yet to pack, pluck or panic.
Rest assured, I HAVE given some thought to what knitting I want to bring with me (after all, a girl's got to have priorities, right?).
Naturally, I'll be bringing my current sock project, Fratello. As of this morning's session, I've turned the heel and have worked about 2/3 of the way up the leg on the first sock. No recent pictures of course (I really should have a camera with me at all times), but trust me when I say it's looking wonderful. A real beaut.
But that can't be ALL I bring with me, right? Yes, I'm fully aware of the fact that as a rule, I always overpack and greatly over-estimate the amount of actual knitting time I'll get when we travel. I think it's the fact that we're travelling sans kids. It just opens up SO. MUCH. Free time, you know?
So I need another project. And since I finished my Clapotis on Sunday night (but it's not blocked yet), I can cast on for something shiny and new.
I know what you're thinking. Colette, right? Well, that's what I was leaning towards too, but after swatching last week I realized that, much to my chagrin, I don't have the appropriate needle size in my Giant Bag O'Needles. I need a 4.25 mm, 60 cm circular, and all I've got is a 91 cm, which is too effin' long. Drat! Foiled again!
So what? I went over my Ravelry queue, and a few projects popped up and said "Howdy! Pick me! Pick me!".
First among the potentials is the BYOB pattern from the Summer 2008 Knitty (also available as a free Ravelry download). I really like this pattern, it says "beach bag" to me, and I've got some leftover CotLin from Émilie's Good Stripe Dress I can use. Yes, CotLin is a DK weight and not an aran like the pattern calls for, but it's a BAG. I'm thinking fit won't really be an issue.
Another pattern that jumped out at me is the Very Berry T-Shirt, originally published in the now defunct MagKnits and also available as a free Ravelry download. I've got some Katia Jamaica cotton in the stash that I could use for this project, a few people have used the same yarn and I liked the results alot.

The third potential project, Inga's Haekelbeutel bag, is another foray into crochet, using the same yarn. I haven't done anything in crochet in a while, so I think it'd be fun. But I also don't relish the idea of assembling all those squares together...
So what do you think? Best be on the safe side and pack for all 3, right? Plus maybe an extra sock project, just in case.... That's what I thought.
Happy Knitting Everyone! The next post will be from sunny Florida.