I mentioned a few posts back that my version of Woolly Wormhead's Mystery Kal Pattern A turned out the size of a football cozy. Sadly, it turns out that Pattern B, which is designed to be a slightly slouchy beret, wasn't exactly to my taste either in terms of size. But it this case, my issue is with berets in general, and not with this hat in particular.

Here's the thing: here in Canada, knitwear actually serves a purpose. It gets pretty gosh darn cold here in Winter, and we need our woollies to keep us
warm. It's all well and good for a hat (or a scarf, or a pair of mittens) to be pretty and for it's maker to have had a hoot and a half while knitting it up, but if the item in question isn't serving its purpose - ie: keeping the intended recipient warm - then what the heck's the point?

And that's sort of my beef with berets. They don't really serve a purpose, other than to just look slick on top of your head while you're wearing them. Your ears - and most of your head, for that matter - are completely exposed to the elements. Sure, you might
look cute, but I ask you: how cute are you going to look with frostbitten earlobes?

All beret beefs aside, this was a really enjoyable knit. The yarn was luminous and lovely to work with, and the best part is that I've got more than enough left over to knit a scarf or cowl to go with it. Maybe I'll knit up some earmuffs while I'm at it...
Happy Knitting Everyone!
I completely hear your beef. I absolutely concur with it. That said - it's a really pretty hat, and suits you extremely well..... :) can't wait to see what comes of the rest of the yarn.
ps - nice Xmas decs, Dear household. The slap of the 'we've got our decs up nyah nyah nayh' gauntlet echoed loudly across the street.... ( ;) )
I agree with you! Knitwear in Canada should be practical. I also did a beret in the early spring, totally expecting my ears to be covered, and they weren't really.
Your hat came out great I love the color you chose. There are so many gorgeous hat patterns out there these days I really wish I was a hat wearer.
I agree about the beret's, but not wearing that would be sad :0(
You need to see Emilie with that hat... fits her very nicely but Dear doesn't want to "share" that lovely yarn!
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